1 Network Marketing Article, 6 Distribution Channels

1 Network Marketing Article, 6 Distribution Channels

If I were a reporter and had to write a special interest column every day for a single tiny, local newspaper – let’s call it the East Podunk Gazette -I would probably throw in the towel before too long. businessshed, if my column was suddenly picked up (syndicated) to other newspapers nationwide, well then that would be a different story. Being a recognized reporter outside of the village limits of East Podunk would definitely put a swagger in my step.

The same thing applies to you as you build your network marketing business with article marketing.

You have toiled over a 400 – 500 word article and you start to send it to various directories. After submitting it to 5 or 6 directories, you decide enough is enough, turn your desk light off and head for the couch.

A few directory submissions will not catapult you to the top of article marketing syndication. To put it as bluntly as I can, your articles have to be like dog poo…all over the place (internet).

Briefly, here are 6 marketing distribution channels you can utilize for each of your articles. I can assure you that they work because I use them.

1. Blog. Post your article on your blog. Don’t have a blog, get one even if you have to use Blogger. However, I would recommend that you use WordPress (usually free in the control panel of whichever company hosts your website).

2. LinkedIn. Join network marketing (MLM) groups on LinkedIn. Post your article’s title and the URL to your blog posting of your article. An easy way to generate traffic to your blog and up the readership to your article.

3. Facebook. Join network marketing groups and “Like” network marketing focused fan pages. Post your article’s title and URL to the wall of each of these groups/fan pages. Don’t forget to share your article posting on your own wall.

4. Twitter. Tweet your article’s title and URL out to your Twitter followers.

5. Article Submitter. Instead of spending time submitting your article to 5 or 6 directories, it is worth spending the money on article submitter software which will shoot your article to hundreds of directories with a single click. (Best software investment I have ever made. Ever.)

6. OnlyWire(dot)com. A free service which lets the top social networks know about your article. This will generate loads of free, relevant traffic for you.

Following these 6 steps will bring traffic to your blog and position you as a qualified, competent leader of your network marketing business